
Building Goat rotary platforms is an important part of our business and we are proud of the product we produce. The knowledge, experience and engineering needed to create a world class ñ lightweight platform is substantial and has been gained over many years of platform building. It is in many ways reflective of the design influences seen in the larger cow milking platforms.

The detailed design work, professionally engineered foundation plans and well thought out construction methods help to create a platform ideally suited for small animals.

A separate underpass provides access for the operators to the centre of the platform or milking area. Another allows access to the platform for the goats. Animals are milked from the inside of the platform. Goats enter underneath the platform climb the stairs onto the deck and exit off an external ramp. An automated gate assists with animal entry.

The components for each platform are carefully built in our factory under a rigid quality control system and transported to your farm ready for assembly. Kit set platforms can be sent to a destination anywhere in the world.

Strong robust roller posts with replaceable nylon rollers and sturdy radial rollers support the steel deck, maintain the platform position and keep it tracking accurately around its centre point.

Galvanised steel beams and platform frame-work provide a sound base for the deck reducing the maintenance requirement and ensuring long trouble free platform life.

Galvanised steel chequer plate is pre-cut to shape in the factory and fitted carefully to the frame-work by the installing engineers. The bail work is simple yet effective. It offers good separation between the animals and provides secure positioning for feed systems.

Milking Goats on a rotary platform is fast becoming the preferred option. Large numbers of Goats can be milked quickly and efficiently in a friendly, clean and fun environment.

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