Smart Puls

SmartPULS is a digital pulsation system designed to produce accurate results time and time again. New generation precision solenoids inside SmartPULS are smaller and have a greater life expectancy - now exceeding 200 million cycles.

Push-button digital circuit boards make SmartPULS easier to adjust. Rates and ratios are selectable over a wider range and include options for cows, goats and sheep.

Brass screw inserts improve the integrity of the body housing and reduce maintenance costs over the life of the product. Repairing or replacing key parts is easier and much faster than before.

A 16mm ID rear facing filtered air connection port is a standard feature on SmartPULS making installation of a filtered air system easier and faster.

SmartPULS has a Built-in “C” phase adjuster that allows more control over the “C” phase length. Customising the pulsation wave form to suit your herd can enhance milking performance.

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